Christmas campaign of 2021
Our task was to design an online Christmas media campaign for Dell Technologies with a focus on end-user products (laptops, headsets, mice, keyboards, cameras, etc.)
Instead of the usual press materials about Christmas gift ideas, we built a complex campaign. In the first part of the project, we compiled a questionnaire together with, in which we were searching for the answer to the question of how much the customers spend on electronic devices on average during the Christmas period. We elaborated the results of the non-representative research in a press release, which we were able to send a wide range of audience – including the lifestyle, economic and technological media. As part of the collaboration, an article was also published on In the second part of the project, we created a fun quiz, and by completing it the reader could receive tips on what kind of computer suits certain personalities the best – even as a Christmas present. Related to the quiz our tasks included conceptual, content and design tasks. Related to the topic, we wrote PR articles and reserved native editorial contents in relevant online lifestyle media (,,, where we can reach important target groups and readers for Dell. In the articles, we also covered current topics such as hybrid working. In addition to their online interfaces, the media also published our content on their social media pages (Facebook, Instagram). Furthermore, we also placed banners designed by us on the pages of the online media, which directed the visitors to the website of Dell Technologies, where interested parties could already find specific product information and contact data.

- Press release: 30+ organic publications, including,, county media - Questionnaire completion: 1,190 people - Typefrom quiz – 558 completions - Articles published in the framework of media collaborations were clicked on more than 30,000 times - Banners placed on the pages of and generated more than 200 000 AVs.