No Food can Go to Waste!
Preparation and local realization of a CSR communication plan for four Central-European countries of Tesco Europe, drawing attention to the food waste prevention program of the supermarket chain, and positioning it as a big company that leads the fight against food waste.
We have prepared a plan containing external, internal communication and social media elements for the Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Slovakian markets. The plan has determined the communication of Tesco in the topic for a period beginning with the food waste prevention conference of Tesco, taking place on the autumn of 2016 in Budapest, until the end of the year. In order to reach the desired results, we have provided PR support for the conference, organized interviews, published press releases, created texts for internal communication pieces of news, news for company leaders, letters for governmental organizations and Facebook posts. These have also been provided in English for the Czech, Polish and Slovakian Tesco branches. Related activities: county-level press release versions with local data, infographics about the process of food waste prevention.

Following the conference we have collected 70 articles about the food waste prevention program of Tesco, accompanied by an interview with the sustainability lead of the British parent company in a country-wide Hungarian lifestyle magazine. During the campaign 18 articles have been published in local media of key importance for Tesco.